Dominica generally respects the right of peaceful assembly, though police sometimes use force to disperse protests. An authorisation regime exists...

Dominican Republic
The right of peaceful assembly is generally respected in the Dominican Republic, although in recent years the police have used...

The right of peaceful assembly in Ecuador is better respected than in previous years.

Egypt should take immediate measures to respect and protect the right of peaceful assembly and to regulate police use of...

El Salvador
The right of peaceful assembly in El Salvador is generally respected. No authorisation is needed for an assembly.

Equatorial Guinea
The right of peaceful assembly is not respected in Equatorial Guinea. An authorisation regime operates for assemblies.

The right of peaceful assembly is not respected in Eritrea. Law enforcement officials routinely use excessive force to disperse protests.

The Constitution of Estonia guarantees freedom of assembly and the authorities uphold this right in practice. Notification is required for...

Despite constitutional and legislative guarantees of freedom of assembly, the right of peaceful assembly in Eswatini is severely restricted in...

Despite improvements in respect for the right of peaceful assembly, police have still used excessive force to disperse certain gatherings....

A 2017 Act has removed the requirement to seek a permit for some assemblies in Fiji. Authorisation for assemblies held in...

In Finland, the right of peaceful assembly is protected by law and upheld in practice.
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