Brunei Darussulam
Brunei should revoke the application of state-of-emergency legislation, which has restricted the right of peaceful assembly in recent years.

The right of peaceful assembly is generally respected in Bulgaria. A notification system is applied to assemblies.

Burkina Faso
The right of peaceful assembly is generally respected in Burkina Faso. A notification system is applied to assemblies.

Burundi should amend its domestic practice so that a notification of an assembly is not treated as a request for...

Cabo Verde
Cabo Verde generally respects the right of peaceful assembly.

Cambodia should take the necessary measures to respect and protect the right of peaceful assembly in practice.

Cameroon has continued to restrict the right of peaceful assembly in practice, in particular during protests in the Anglophone regions...

In Canada, the right of peaceful assembly is constitutionally protected and generally upheld in practice.

Central African Republic
Although freedom of assembly is guaranteed under the Constitution of the Central African Republic, in practice the right continues to...

The constitutional guarantee of the right of peaceful assembly is not respected in Chad.

Despite the constitutional right to assemble peacefully without prior permission, Chile has a de facto authorisation regime for assemblies.

China should act to respect and protect the right of peaceful assembly to all, including in Hong Kong, and to...
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