Myanmar does not respect the right of peaceful assembly. A de jure notification regime under national law is treated by...

The right of peaceful assembly in Namibia is widely but not fully respected. Excessive force is sometimes used by the...

The right of peaceful assembly is widely but not fully respected in Nauru.

Despite constitutional guarantees of freedom of assembly, protests are often violently dispersed by the police.

The right of peaceful assembly is widely but not fully respected in The Netherlands. Under domestic law, local authorities have...

New Zealand
The right of peaceful assembly is generally respected in New Zealand.

In June 2018, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights found that repression by Nicaragua in response to protests has resulted in...

The right of peaceful assembly is not respected in Niger.

The right of peaceful assembly is not respected in Nigeria, particularly in the case of protests against the government. Nigeria...

The right of peaceful assembly is generally respected in Niue.

North Korea
There is no right of peaceful assembly in North Korea despite constitutional guarantees.

North Macedonia
The right of peaceful assembly in North Macedonia is generally respected, although mere presence in a crowd that commits acts...
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