Bahrain should amend domestic legislation and change national practice in order to protect and respect the right of peaceful assembly.

Bangladesh should refrain from excessive restrictions on the right of peaceful assembly and amend its national legislation to prohibit the...

Barbados has a legal framework covering assemblies, and the right of peaceful assembly is said to be upheld in practice....

Despite a change in the law towards a notification process for assemblies, the police in Belarus are systematically used to...

The right of peaceful assembly is generally respected in Belgium.

The government in Belize generally respects the right of peaceful assembly.

Benin should amend domestic law and practice to comply with international law on the right of peaceful assembly and the...

National legislation in Bhutan should be amended to comply with international law, limiting use of firearms by law enforcement officials...

In Bolivia, the right of peaceful assembly is generally respected.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
The right of peaceful assembly is generally respected in Bosnia and Herzegovina although a new law being drafted would impose...

The right of peaceful assembly in Botswana is generally respected, although the police have sometimes dispersed assemblies using excessive force....

The right of peaceful assembly is generally respected in Brazil, but the police or other law enforcement officials sometimes employ...
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